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For orders above €200
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For orders above €200
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100,00 € – 124,95 € /pcOrders ship in 0-1 days!
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379,95 € /pcOrders ship in 0-1 days!
For orders above €200
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For orders above €200
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For orders above €200
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For orders above €200
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725,00 € /pc
Please check “Special Restrictions (EN)” tab below before purchase.
Prosimo preglejte zavihek “Posebne omejitve (SLO)” spodaj pred nakupom.
The new AREX Delta GEN.2 Tactical is an unquestionably reliable tactical handgun that is ready to deliver whenever and wherever you are. It features an extended threaded barrel that you can equip with a sound moderator or any other muzzle device. It has the same striker double-action trigger as the basic Delta GEN.2 model as we have found it to be safer than a fully-cocked single-action striker.
The AREX Delta gen.2 Tactical is available in two basic variants and each already comes with Optics Ready out of the factory configuration enabling you to further enhance the pistol with a reflex optical sight. The most compact – M variant is practically identical in size to the first generation AREX Delta and reverse grip frame compatibility has been maintained for your convenience. Modular design enables you to customize the firearm to your needs and preferences. Removable front and rear frame inserts incorporate slide guides and hold the complete fire control mechanism yet only the front insert is a serialized part that must remain with the firearm while everything else may be customized or exchanged if necessary or desired.
With Delta Gen.2 Tactical, magazine reloading is a breeze. Based on the feedback from our customers, we have equipped the handgun with an extended magazine release button for RH operators. The button for Right-Hand operator operators can be exchanged with a button for Left-Hand operators, which is supplied with the handgun.
Our Delta Gen.2 Tactical has been improved with higher metal sights. This allows co-witnessing in any kind situation and compatibility with most reflex sights available on the market. Even with a sound moderator or any other muzzle device attached to the barrel, the high profile enables accurate aiming with complete visibility of the target.
Delta Gen.2 Tactical is always Optics Ready. This means it can be equipped with our universal reflex optics platform that features all the necessary hardware, including light and sturdy interfaces used with popular red dot sights. Also included are five standardized mounting plates, providing a low and secure profile interface for most proven miniature reflex sights.
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Restricted items can only be purchased with all the necessary documents attached or provided. Please contact us in advance for export! Export is only possible under special conditions or not at all!
We can purchase weapons in our office. To purchase, you will need a valid arms purchase licence (with the relevant type and calibre of weapon) issued by the relevant authorities.
To purchase ammunition, you must send to our email address or attach at the time of purchase a scanned/imaged first page of a valid weapons certificate and the page in the weapons certificate where the weapon with the calibre you are purchasing is entered.
The scanned/painted pages of the weapons certificate must be on A4 paper with an ID document where you sign your name and date the purchase.
If you are purchasing ammunition with an "Ammunition Purchase Permit", we also require this original document, which can be sent or delivered to the office.
The documents must be sent with each order of ammunition.
To purchase components for loading ammunition, you must send to our email address or enclose at the time of purchase a scanned/imaged first page of a valid weapon certificate and both pages of the ammunition loading certificate.
The scanned/photographed pages of the weapon certificate and the certificate must be on A4 paper with an ID document, where you sign and date the purchase in your own handwriting.
The documents must be sent with each order of components.
The purchase of air weapons with a kinetic energy at the muzzle of the barrel of more than 25 J is possible by issuing a notification certificate (to be notified, you must be free from public order and pass a weapons handling test).
or by means of a weapons certificate (the weapons certificate is proof that you have passed a weapons handling test and that you are free from public order offences).
The purchase of a category D2 gas weapon is possible with the issue of a notification certificate. The issuance of a notification certificate is subject to compliance with the conditions laid down in Article 15 of the Weapons Act (with regard to public order restrictions) and a certificate of completion of a weapons handling knowledge test. The Weapons Certificate is valid as proof of having passed a test on the handling of weapons and on public order restrictions.
Individuals, legal persons and entrepreneurs of legal age may acquire and possess weapons from category D, points 6 to 9, without a special licence (Art. 48 of the Firearms Act). In order to verify the age of majority, you must send an email to our email address or enclose a distinctly scanned or painted identity document at the time of purchase.
Individuals, legal persons and entrepreneurs of legal age may purchase and possess blank-firing weapons not classified as D2 without a special licence. To verify that you are of legal age, you must send an email to our email address or enclose a clearly scanned or photographed identity document at the time of purchase.
Proof of age is required to purchase burglars or ammunition for signal weapons. To verify your age of majority, you must send an email to our email address or enclose a clearly scanned or photographed ID at the time of purchase.
To purchase a slingshot, you must prove that you are of legal age. To verify your age of majority, you must send an email to our email address or attach a clearly scanned or photographed ID at the time of purchase.
Sale of magazines is unrestricted, but sale and possession are restricted in some countries. Please contact us before purchase!
Sale of suppressors is unrestricted, but sales are only allowed in the Republic of Slovenia. We do not ship suppressors outside Slovenia!
Artikel z omejitvami je možno kupiti samo z vsemi priloženimi ali posredovanimi potrebnimi dokumenti. Za izvoz nas predhodno kontaktirajte! Izvoz je možen samo pod posebnimi pogoji ali pa sploh ni možen!
Nakup orožja je možen v naši poslovalnici. Za nakup potrebujete veljavno dovoljenje za nabavo orožja (z vpisano ustrezno vrsto orožja in kalibrom) izdano na UE.
Za nakup streliva morate poslati na naš elektronski naslov ali priložiti ob nakupu skenirano / poslikano prvo stran veljavnega orožnega lista in stran v orožnem listu, kjer je vpisano orožje s kalibrom, ki ga kupujete.
Skenirane / poslikane strani orožnega lista morajo biti na A4 format papirju z osebnim dokumentom, kamor se lastnoročno podpišete in dopišete datum nakupa.
V primeru nakupa streliva z "Dovoljenjem za nabavo streliva" potrebujemo še ta originalen dokument, ki ga lahko pošljete ali dostavite v poslovalnico.
Dokumente je potrebno poslati ob vsakem naročilu streliva.
Za nakup komponent za polnjenje streliva morate poslati na naš elektronski naslov ali priložiti ob nakupu skenirano / poslikano prvo stran veljavnega orožnega lista in obe strani certifikata za polnjenje streliva.
Skenirane / poslikane strani orožnega lista in certifikata morajo biti na A4 format papirju z osebnim dokumentom, kamor se lastnoročno podpišete in dopišete datum nakupa.
Dokumente je potrebno poslati ob vsakem naročilu komponent.
Nakup zračnega orožja, pri katerem je kinetična energija na ustju cevi več kot 25 J je možno z izdajo priglasitvenega lista (za priglasitev je potrebno biti brez zadržkov javnega reda ter opraviti preizkus znanja o ravnanju z orožjem)
ali z orožnim listom (orožni list je kot dokazilo, da imate opravljen preizkus znanja o ravnanju z orožjem in da ste brez zadržkov javnega reda).
Nakup plinskega orožja kategorije D2 je možen z izdajo priglasitvenega lista. Pogoj za izdajo priglasitvenega lista je izpolnjevanje pogojev iz 15. člena Zakona o orožju (glede zadržkov javnega reda) in potrdilo o opravljenem preizkusu znanja o ravnanju z orožjem. Orožna listina velja kot dokazilo o opravljenem preizkusu znanja o ravnanju z orožjem in glede zadržkov javnega reda.
Polnoletni posamezniki, pravne osebe in podjetniki lahko brez posebnega dovoljenja nabavljajo in imajo v posesti orožje iz 6. do 9. točke kategorije D (ZOro 48. člen). Za preverjanje polnoletnosti morate poslati na naš elektronski naslov ali priložiti ob nakupu razločno skeniran ali poslikan osebni dokument.
Polnoletni posamezniki, pravne osebe in podjetniki lahko brez posebnega dovoljenja nabavljajo in imajo v posesti plašilno orožje, ki ni uvrščeno v kategorijo D2. Za preverjanje polnoletnosti morate poslati na naš elektronski naslov ali priložiti ob nakupu razločno skeniran ali poslikan osebni dokument.
Za nakup razpočnikov ali streliva za signalno orožje je potrebno izkazati polnoletnost. Za preverjanje polnoletnosti morate poslati na naš elektronski naslov ali priložiti ob nakupu razločno skeniran ali fotografiran osebni dokument.
Za nakup frač je potrebno izkazati polnoletnost. Za preverjanje polnoletnosti morate poslati na naš elektronski naslov ali priložiti ob nakupu razločno skeniran ali poslikan osebni dokument.
Nabojniki so v prosti prodaji, vendar pa sta prodaja in posest v nekaterih državah omejena. Za nakup nas kontaktirajte!
Dušilci so v prosti prodaji, vendar pa je prodaja dovoljena samo v Republiki Sloveniji. Dušilcev ne pošiljamo izven Slovenije!
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